water and Waste water pumping
We take care of everything
Surface Water Interceptors are in place to contain excess solids and oily water to within a drainage system. Probes can be used in tandem with monitoring to warn of a buildup of solids in the bottom of the tank and floating oil or fuel on the surface. This then helps prevent any material to enter local watercourses and cause any contamination.
Liquid Pumping Applications can also be used to move material around a plant or process such as manufacturing, recycling or production, not only the final effluent as a waste product. These can be installed as a submersible application or a stage pump within a manifold. The type of pump would depend on the product requiring movement be that a sludge, slurry, clean liquid or containing abrasive material. This can of course be amended for any flushing requirements for line cleaning or to prevent any blockages.
Hygiene requirements in the food and drink industry can be met by using stainless steel pipework, tanks and pumping applications to ensure a clean safe environment for your system.
01709 925325